Thursday, October 1, 2009


Paul encouraged us to abide these, hope, and love. But he didn't stop there, he finished off by saying, "but the greatest of these is love." Unfortunately we have many times forgotten this simple truth, that THE GREATEST IS LOVE. Something important to remember is this, any truth exalted beyond its priority is no longer truth.

Take the issue of Faith. We have Christians everywhere trying to get more Faith. They believe they don't have enough. They believe they lost it somewhere. They believe they haven't as much as they used to. They believe they need more. Scripture clearly shows that we have enough. If all we need is a mustard seed amount then don't we have enough? If we had enough faith as a rank sinner to believe upon Jesus for the saving of our souls, then now as children of the Most High God, don't we have at least just a little bit more. Most Christians have spent more time praying, reading their Bible, and confessing scriptures to get more faith than they ever have to see and feel that they are Loved of God. It is clear that something is wrong with this picture.

Going back to that awesome scripture in I Corinthians 13, "abide these three, faith, hope and love...but the greatest of these is Love." Think on this...Faith alone cannot produce hope or love. Hope alone cannot produce faith or love. But Love, it always produces both faith and hope. Paul explained it this way in his writing to the Galatians saying this, "faith works by love."

Because of misplaced priorities we haven't majored on understanding all the facets of the love of God. I guarantee we won't exhaust the subject in one lifetime. Like a beautiful, multifaceted diamond, when you turn it to examine it more closely you see a new, never before seen, ray of beauty. If you want more faith operating in your life, meditate exclusively on the love of God and Him as your one true and faithful Father. Faith will naturally come. Running short on hope for your situation, give determined focus to nothing other than His love and faithfulness towards you. Hope will arrive in sufficient abundance.

Love truly is all we need.

1 comment:

  1. I want to agree with you. When I was born again the first thing God did for me was He poured his Love into me. He showed me that when I was dead in my sins He yet LOVED me and HE wanted me to LOVE others in that same manner. Without "knowing" the LOVE of God it is impossible to walk with God. Many believe that this LOVE is a feeling, but that is of the world and it can change. God's Love is a "KNOWING" and it never changes. God is LOVE and those born of God are LOVE.
