Saturday, November 21, 2009

Hands Got A Bit Messy

Have you ever processed a deer or have you been there after a friend gets the deer with a bow and arrow or rifle?  Regardless if it is your first time or if you have done it many times the processing can get a little messy.

After Adam and Eve ate of the tree of knowledge of good and evil in the Garden...who came looking for them?  Of course, God came looking for them.  We get this picture that God is so angry and ready to beat us/them and yet God knowing all they had already done He said...Adam where are you?  God was looking for a response.  

Adam stepped beyond his fear towards the Holy God he knew was His father...he stepped out wearing his fig leaves knit together which represents our own efforts (our own righteousness) to stand before God.  God, in His love, mercy and grace, killed and sacrificed one of His very own creations.  God with blood stained hands made them clothes called tunics of skin and robed / clothed them covering their shame.  He did it for them, He covered their shame.

God always wanted to be with His creation, but His creation hasn't always wanted to be with Him.  His love is greater than our love.  So many Christians today live in shame because they realize they don't love Him like they should and they try harder and harder to do things that make them feel better about themselves (fig leaves knit together).   Instead we only need trust His goodness and think upon the great love that He has for us and step out from the bushes / the shame, naked and allow Him to clothe us with His love and righteousness.  Give up your futile efforts and let Him love you.  First John says this...not that we loved Him but that He first loved us.  

I promise you, you will live the life you want with the power you need when you let Him love you first.  You may feel unworthy, but He has declared you worthy no matter what.  God loves you know matter what.

Click here to listen to this wonderful song by Don will be glad you did.